8 Ways to Conquer Summer Boredom

Student Loandaddy
3 min readJul 1, 2021


Classes are out for the summer, and you can finally breathe a huge sigh of relief. After those first few days of freedom, though, if you aren’t enrolled in summer school and you haven’t been able to nail down a summer job, boredom can take over as quickly as your school workload disappeared.

Here are eight ways to keep your mind active and avoid summer boredom.

1. Join a book club.

During the school year, there’s usually just no time for recreational reading — not that you’d even want to spend another waking minute of the semester with your face in a book. But in the summer, when all your required reading is behind you, you can catch up on your personal reading. Becoming a member of a book club will encourage you to meet your reading deadlines and open your eyes to books you may never have chosen for yourself.

2. Start a blog.

Use any one of the many free blogging sites around, like WordPress, Blogger, or Tumblr. Then write about anything, and post from anywhere you have an Internet connection. You can even get paid for your blog posts when you sign up with paid blogging service hubs like PayPerPost.

3. Learn a new skill.

Whether you’ve always wanted to learn how to fight kung fu, fix a leaky faucet, do sign language, or build a website, summer break provides you with plenty of free time to dive in. You can dedicate your time to teaching yourself, or you can check with local stores and studios to see if they offer free summer seminars or inexpensive classes and workshops.

4. Take a fun class.

Sign up for a non-credit course in a subject you’ve always wanted to learn about — astronomy, photography, wood working, creative writing — but never had the time for. Non-credit courses are often less expensive and less time-intensive than traditional summer school classes, and since you don’t have to worry about grades, you can spend your time enjoying what you’re learning instead of stressing over how well you’re doing.

5. Catch up on the classics.

Make a list of all the movies you’ve always wanted to see but never had the time to go back and watch. Add those titles to your Netflix list or check them out at the library. If you want to make it really interesting, think about starting a film club or a discussion group for the summer.

6. Plant a seed.

House plants can help clean up the air in your home, flowers can add a fresh scent both inside and outside your house, and homegrown herbs can be a cost-effective way to spice up your home-cooked meals. Find plants that are particularly well-suited to summer sunlight and rain to set them up for near-perfect growing conditions.

7. Lend a hand.

Volunteering doesn’t have to feel like a chore — look for a charity or organization that meets your interests. Help kids learn how to read, walk dogs at an animal shelter, serve food at a soup kitchen, or teach computers at a community center. You may even be able to turn one of these volunteering opportunities into an ongoing position that you can put on your résumé.

8. Act like a kid.

Get a group of friends together, pick up some of your favorite games, toys, TV shows, movies, and books from your childhood, and spend some time reminiscing on how simple having fun used to be.

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Student Loandaddy

Student Loan Daddy is here to help students, parents and recent graduates navigate the complex world of money.